
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

5 Movies Worth Living For: #1

Without further ado, I give you what I believe is the number 1 movie you can't live without....
1. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
The movie of a lifetime. A movie that completely sweeps you off your feet with spectacle.  Lord of the Rings: Return of the King is the final film in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and it gives the audience an epic finale. No battle in any of the films will compare to the hour-long Battle of Minas-Tirith. The emotions seen by the surprisingly powerful character, Samwise Gamgi will leave lasting images in your mind. And in the end, you will be completely satisfied with the conclusion of the arduous trek that you took with all the characters from 2001-2004. 

As Sauron launches the final stages of his conquest of Middle Earth, Gandalf the Wizard and Théoden, King of Rohan, rally their forces to help defend Gondor's capital Minas Tirith from the looming threat. Aragorn finally claims the throne of Gondor and summons the army of the Dead to help him defeat Sauron. Ultimately, even with full strength of arms, they realise they cannot win; so it comes down to the Hobbits, Frodo and Sam, to bear the burden of the Ring and deal with the treachery of Gollum. After a long journey, they finally arrive in the dangerous lands of Mordor, seeking to destroy the One Ring in the place it was created, the volcanic fires of Mount Doom

Just in summary, the film is already sounding to be an epic roller coaster. But it is not just the "cool" battles that make this film worth living. You must see this to experience the variety of feelings you will go through while watching, either on your own merit or out of sympathy for the other characters. You must live for this film also because of the cinematography and music; both are sweeping in size and beauty and there is a lasting impression on the audience due to this. Because of emotions and spectacle, the scenery, the characters, the suspense, and battles; this film is completely worth living for.

Lord of the Rings Super Trailer

Friday, April 5, 2013

5 Movies Worth Living For: #2

I now proceed to "introduce" you to the most popular film on my list, as well as in the world.
2. Titanic
If you haven't seen Titanic, I question your sanity because you must have been locked up in an insane asylum for the past sixteen years and missed out on the entire phenomenon. The movie can be described in a one word adjective: amazing. Another movie that is a hard hitter in spectacle but still finds the time to allow for beautiful romance and heart tugging emotions.

The movie is a fictionalized account of the RMS Titanic, centering around the romance between lower-class Jack Dawson and upper-class Rose Dewitt Bukater while aboard the RMS Titanic.

This movie is worth living for due to the fact that it is humongous. The emotions are so well executed, the acting is phenomenal, the visual effects are terrifying and beautiful, the romance is real, and the tragedy is  heartbreaking. It is a beautiful piece of art that must never be forgotten. You must see this movie and not only watch, but experience every kiss, death, and tear.

Titanic Official Movie Trailer

Top 5 Movies Worth Living For: #3

To continue with my "Top 5 Movies..." series, I now gladly proceed to introduce you to movie #3.

3. Gone with the Wind
Gone with the Wind is among a small list of "beyond epic" films. It is amazing that a film created in 1939 could still have the same emotional force and beauty to beat out other epic contestants. It is a film that makes your heart flutter and gives you goosebumps with its well executed scenes and majestic film score. A romance-adventure-drama film that is set on the backdrop of the deep South during the Civil War and Reconstruction was done completely right and if it had been made any differently would have made the film a complete failure.

Set in the 19th-century American South, the film tells the story of Scarlett O'Harra, and her romantic pursuit of Ashley Wilkes, who is married to his cousin, Melanie Hamilton, and her marriage to Rhett Butler.

This film is worth living for one lone reason: scope. The film was made in a fashion that would capture the viewers' hearts at every scene; be it through panoramic screenshots of the landscape, a landmark scene of the setting sun over a destructed town, through heartwarming emotion, heart stopping action, or mesmerizing costumes. This film was made to please the eye and it definitely achieved its goal. But along with that, the creators made a film that told a beautiful story and the immensity of both these factors in one film created an amazing film. One must live on just to experience the film because without experiencing it, you are practically not human.

Gone with the Wind Official Trailer

Top 5 Movies Worth Living For: #4

Continuing my "Top 5 Movies...." series of blogs, I now proceed to introduce my #4 movie.

4. Schindler's List
There are few movies that are so emotionally riveting, extremely true, disturbing, and depressing and yet still be one of the most heartwarming films of all time. Schindler's List achieves this emotional rollercoaster and if you watch this film, you too will experience an emotional rollercoaster while watching the film, so be sure to have tissues next to you for the entirety of the film.

The film tells the story of Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saved the lives of more than a thousand mostly Polish-Jewish refugees during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories. The movie revolves around ,not only Oskar Schindler, but many of the Jewish people affected by Oskar Schindler and the Jewish that live in the Nazi concentration camps. 

This movie is worth living for due to many factors. For one, it deals with a subject that is arguably one of the most historically significant eras in the world. This film tackles the subject with a very real tone. It does not shy away from graphic images and heart wrenching tales of children being taken from there parents only to be killed. It is what this world needs: truths. Also, this film illustrates the "good of man" along with the "evil of man," both to show the capabilities that every person has in this world and to show the extremes that people could go to using their attributes. It is a moving teaching tool; a field lesson to show peoples' mistakes made in the past to keep them from repeating.  Because of the emotion, the lesson, and the subject matter of the film, Schindler's List makes it on my list of Top 5 Movies.

Schindler's List Official Trailer

Top 5 Movies Worth Living For: #5

Out of all my interests, the one that I enjoy the most are movies! It is due to my dad's love of movies that I have grown up with various genres of movies from romantic comedies to grindhouse classics, old and new films, blockbuster and sleeper hits, and very foreign to very domestic films. In the following 5 blogs are my top 5 films and they are definitely a reason a person should enjoy and hang on to life.

5. American History X
American History X: by far one of the most controversial, disturbing, and heart-breaking films of all time and yet, still has a message for the ages. A movie that initially begins as if it will glorify the premise of racism between African-Americans, Hispanics, and Caucasians, quickly shifts to an anti-hate film that delivers the message that "all are equal."

The film tells the story of two brothers, Derek Vinyard and Daniel "Danny" Vinyard. Their father, a firefighter, is murdered by a black drug dealer while trying to extinguish a fire, and Derek is pulled into the Neo-Nazi movement. Derek kills two black gang members whom he catches breaking into the truck left to him by his father and is sentenced to three years in prison. The story shows how Danny is influenced by his older brother's actions and beliefs and how Derek tries to prevent his brother from going down the same path as he did.

It is a movie worth living for because it is an eye opener to the hatred and intolerance that haunts this world. It allows you to ponder and create perspective on where you stand in the violent race wars. The movie aids in a better appreciation for the life you live, unless you are a present day Neo-Nazi, in which case the movie would be terrible to you and you would have no appreciation for the movie. I highly recommend the movie if you seek an eye-opening and emotional film.

American History X Trailer